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Talia Applebaum - News & Reviews
Tambourine: Jewish Women in the Arts
Raising the Sparks:

Flashes in the Darkness by Talia Applebaum

"And I clung to his words/Like a buoy in rough waters/
And they revived my soul…"(Talia Applebaum, Flashes in the Darkness)
Anyone who has touched upon the challenges of living spiritually, or even more so, through the day-to-day struggles of living a Torah life, can appreciate the accomplishment of singer-songwriter Talia Applebaum. Her first CD, Flashes in the Darkness, is the work of a woman who has translated her deep life experiences into musical expression, in a mélange of styles, with lyrics reflecting the Chassidic teachings of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov.
This debut CD is dedicated to the elevation of the soul of her mother, Dina Raizel bat Avraham.
The title track of Flashes in the Darkness hints to the inspiration that Talia found in being connected to G-d during rough times: "When I had no strength or desire to go on/You sent me Flashes in the Darkness/Lightning in the Storm." Furthermore, the song reveals how Rebbe Nachman served as her mentor during her life: "…the Tzaddik shows the way/His words directing the stray/Like arrows through a maze/I am amazed."
"If You Believe" brought tears to my eyes in an example of beautiful songwriting: "My little boy blue/My little boy two/You run into my arms/Tears in eyes/anguished cries". She elucidates the teaching of Rebbe Nachman that if you believe that you can damage something, you can certainly fix it, in terms of her own life experience: "Longing…to give you.../The most precious gift/I can give anyone/To you I will provide/The love I was denied."
Talia's upbeat tunes include several jazzy numbers, two of which are in lashon hakodesh. In "Near to You," which is "Ki Karov Alecha" in Hebrew (Devarim 30:12-14, 16) She deftly incorporates the Hebrew text into a ragtime melody. Another energetic song, "Life", based on Psalm 139, reminds us that "Life is a dance/Running, returning/Moments of closeness/Moments of yearning."
With a graceful piano accompaniment, "We Will Persevere" proclaims the eternity of the Jewish people. Talia connects two themes: the first, from Psalms 126 in which a farmer sows in tears, then reaps in joy; the second, Jews in the ghettos who were forced to dance for the Nazis. The lyrics are hauntingly beautiful put to music: "A voice rang out/A voice sang out/We will outlive them/Tatte in Himmel (Yiddish for "Father in Heaven")/…Carrying our sheaves."
Two of her lighter songs balance the heavier spiritual themes on the album. "Dirty Pot Blues" will add a chuckle to your day: "I got the dirty pot blues/It's no news/I could've faced them at seven/but the hour's eleven…" In "Doin' My Best", she puts life's daily challenges into perspective: "Load of dishes in the sink/laundry piled high/That's no reason for me to cry…"
The album closes with two lively songs. The driving energy of "The Task", lyrics based on Pirkei Avot, (The Teachings of Our Fathers) urges us to take responsibility for our own choices: "So take a look…inside your heart/Don't let a precious moment slip away/Cause it's our choice if we gain or lose/We'll have no one to accuse on Judgment Day." The album closes with "Sing a New Song", a fun, danceable groove with a hint of Asian melodics.
The production on "Flashes in the Darkness" is beautifully done. Talia's vocals are wonderful, and the arrangements, mostly by Y.Dayan, Mindy Fuhrer, and Shana Friedman, are absolutely lovely. The songwriting is moving, human, and inspiring; a combination of real-world experience infused with deep spiritual insights. Talia's work comes truly from the heart, a must-have in everyone's collection of Jewish women's music.

Review by Devora Gila Berkowitz: recording artist and publisher of Tambourine.

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